This page contains answers to some of the questions most frequently asked of the Jeffris Family Foundation. Please click on any question below to reveal its answer.

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Many historic preservation projects begin with an architectural study prepared by an experienced architectural historian, preservation architect or building conservator. They provide a means for documenting historic context, original construction, use and evolution, alterations and additions, and identifying current conditions, and budgeting and prioritizing future work.

Such studies can vary greatly in scope and scale and are described by varying terms including: condition survey, feasibility study, and preservation plan, but it is the Historic Structure(s) Report (HSR) that has become the terminal planning document before major work, and can also serve to guide ongoing stewardship as well.

For our consideration in funding for a project an HSR is required and must, at a minimum do the following:

  1. Document the historic context of a resource, including its original construction and use, evolution and alteration;
  2. Identify and document current conditions in detail, with special focus on character defining features;
  3. Propose broad treatment recommendations and make detailed treatment recommendations for all areas, with special focus on character defining features; and
  4. Propose priorities and provide estimated costs for proposed work. For more information, see Historic Structures Reports and Preservation Brief 43: The Preparation and Use of Historic Structure Reports, prepared by the National Park Service.

For capital improvement projects (bricks-and-mortar work, rehabilitation, etc.) the Jeffris Family Foundation requires an HSR.
If you do not fit the criteria found on the Preservation portion of this website, we will be unable to assist you. Other preservation funders are listed in Historical Links.

Please consult the State Historic Preservation Office (SPHO) in your state. Remember that being a contributing resources in a National Register Historic District alone does not qualify; the property must be individually listed or been formally determined eligible for individual listing at the Statewide or National level of significance.

Sites with a Local level of significance will not be considered. If the site is not currently listed, we will accept a letter stating a formal determination of individual eligibility has been made by the State Historic Preservation Officer.

Often early National Register listings did not designate the level of significance or opted for local significance to avoid the need to develop documentation to justify state or national significance when they were prepared and processed. If you feel you can provide that documentation and your State Historic Preservation Officer agrees that state or national significance is now appropriate, we will, in consultation with the SHPO and others, consider a case statement in that regard.
Other preliminary planning documents should be completed before application to the Foundation. We fund only HSRs, and in some cases, updates supplementary components and compilation other pre-existing studies to create an HSR. See Preliminary Planning Documents for more information.
We will want to review that document to be sure it meets our standards for content and quality, and if so, you will be eligible for Capital Campaign Challenge Grant consideration. Often documents of some age require updating to freshen their findings and establish current costs; other HSRs require supplementary sections be prepared to complete to contents. Occasionally we encounter documents named HSR but lacking the depth and detail of study we expect.
Projects for which we have funded HSRs are already in our pipeline and will be given priority funding to limited resources. It is not automatic, as our resources are finite and we must sometime make difficult choices. Nevertheless, we will enter into dialog, and consider your project as best possible. A reasonable number of our projects have completed their HSRs using other sources.
No. Our funding is focused on projects that involve major, well documented and planned proactive initiatives that result in a major campaign involving broad support from the community.